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  • Bronze
  • $ 179.99
  • Full online self-study review
  • Online course content for every topic on NBDHE
  • Practice course questions with online courses
  • 140 mini video lessons from 2-9 minutes
  • Seminar study app with 4,500+ questions
  • 3 Simulated mock NBDHE Boards (2 short form, 1 full length)
  • Seminar color textbook with 500+ pages
  • Shipping of color textbook
  • Over 26 hours of recorded video from our live seminar
  • Silver
  • $ 299.99
  • Full online self-study review
  • Online course content for every topic on NBDHE
  • Practice course questions with online courses
  • 140 mini video lessons from 2-9 minutes
  • Seminar study app with 4,500+ questions
  • 3 Simulated mock NBDHE Boards (2 short form, 1 full length)
  • Seminar color textbook with 500+ pages
  • Shipping of color textbook
  • Over 26 hours of recorded video from our live seminar
  • Virtual Gold
  • $ 299.00
  • Seminar study app with 4,500+ questions
  • 3 Simulated mock NBDHE Boards (2 short form, 1 full length)
  • Seminar color textbook with 500+ pages
  • Shipping of color textbook
  • Over 26 hours of recorded video from our live seminar
  • Full online self-study review
  • Online course content for every topic on NBDHE
  • Practice course questions with online courses
  • 140 mini video lessons from 2-9 minutes
  • Virtual Premium
  • $ 419.00
  • Full online self-study review
  • Course content for every topic on NBDHE
  • Practice course questions
  • 140 mini video lessons
  • Seminar study app with 4,500+ questions
  • 3 Simulated mock NBDHE Boards (2 short form, 1 full length)
  • Seminar color textbook with 500+ pages
  • Shipping of color textbook
  • Over 26 hours of recorded video from our live seminar