We proudly offer a NEW money-back guarantee for students who purchase the PREMIUM package (either in person or live stream options).

To qualify for the money-back guarantee, a student must use:

  1. Use our entire online learning system to 100% completion and score 80% or higher on all end-of-course quizzes.  This will show that you are ready to take the NBDHE.
  2. Have our seminar edition app downloaded and play (watch or listen) to each seminar video at least once.
  3. Take one mock Board exam through your student account on our website.

This guarantee applies to students who purchase a 2024 package. In the unlikely event that all three items above are met and a student does not pass the NBDHE they will receive a 100% full refund after sending the textbook back to us.   We have nearly a 100% pass rate so this will not be you as you are going to pass the exam!