Diane Peterson, RDH, M.Ed

Diane Peterson, RDH, M.Ed is a Professional Education Manager for Colgate. In her role, Diane gets to share her passion for the dental profession through her interactions with dental professionals. Prior to joining Colgate Diane has had many roles in the profession from clinician, advocate, researcher and educator. Each role helping shape the dental professional she has become today. She received her Masters of Education in Education Leadership from the University of
Vermont as well as her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Vermont. She is a member of ADHA, ADEA, the Sigma Phi Alpha Dental Hygiene Honor Society and a consultant member of the Commission on Dental Competency Assessments.

Course Presented: Tired of Reinventing the Wheel? Ready to use faculty resources at your fingertips.

Abstract: Get ready to elevate your dental hygiene student curriculum by incorporating our ready-to-use digital tools. Join me as we take you on a tour of this faculty site where you can find many of the resources you need to deliver current, relevant content to your students. Do you want to learn more about OSCEs? Education Methodology? Adding webinars and case studies to your course? Do you want the opportunity to contribute to the network and develop your leadership and promotion portfolio? We have all that and more, and we are excited to share all that is available on the Colgate Dental Educators Network with you.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
• Navigate the Colgate Dental Educators Network
• Take courses on educational methodology and leadership
• Learn how to submit your OSCE for publishing on the network
• Develop case studies to share with other dental hygiene educators.

Audience Interaction:
Faculty can download the site on their phone and have the opportunity to follow along and participate in the site offerings.